Monday, 20 June 2016


All set for the next screening 
Thursday 30th June 6pm

JAYNE WILSON   Spin. Watching the Wind 2:40 mins
The simple idea of observing wind force, from its gentle and playful origins, toying with a seaside windmill, to its inevitable portrayal beyond the familiar force 10, is given potency when given the backdrop of the seaside idyll and its traditional seaside anthem.
THOMAS KYHN ROVSING HJORNET   Disciplin og Fylogenese   1:42  mins
The video is a montage of elements, still images and found footage, which, in the resulting combination, revolve around the theme discipline/form, as related to organisms in general and to the human organism specifically. The soundtrack makes up an erratic supplement to the relative orderliness of the images.
GULI SILBERSTEIN    Machinic Phylum    4:02 mins 
Symbiosis of human and nature forms, by destruction of video coding. A little girl, earth from space and bits of satellites get morphed together, creating vibrant substance in which the girl slowly submerges. “The machinic phylum is materiality, natural or artificial, both simultaneously; it is matter in movement, in flux, in variation” – Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, "A Thousand Plateaus".
HIROYA SAKURAI  The  Stream  5   5:40 mins
In the man-made waterways of rice paddies, the water in nature must follow artificial rules.In that way, nature is made abstract, giving rise to a new form of beauty distinct from the natural state. This shooting location was Ogura-ike Pond Reclaimed Land in Uji City,Kyoto Prefecture.
MEREDITH LACKEY   Iron Condor   10:10 mins
Iron Condor presents the sensible evidence of the Chicago Futures and Options
Exchange from grain to data. The film takes its name from an option trading strategy whose profit/loss graph resembles a large bird.
CLIVE ENNS   Connecting with Nature   1:28 mins
An instructional video that lies somewhere between the realms of infomercial and guide to spiritual enlightenment.
LYNN DENNISON Runners     8:32 mins
In my short films I investigate how we experience landscape in our daily lives; for example, seen through the window whilst travelling by train, or running through it as an exercise in keeping fit. 'Runners' is one in a series of videos which document how people engage with the landscape in city parks, places which have been designated as areas where people can enjoy ‘nature’.
MIRJAM BROMUNDT    Hold Your Breath   1:23  mins
‘Hold Your Breath’ is a montage of single pictures, unfolding a frenetic journey that from its singularity ends up as a universal image. The topic of traveling is the starting point for a sensuous undertow that shakes our boundaries of perception.
SWINE STUDIO    Hair Highway   4:28 mins
What if you could use human hair as an alternative to diminishing natural materials? Studio Swine travel along the Hair Highway to explore the hair trade and its potential as a future resource.
ANGELIKA HERTA The Best Way   10: 26  mins
Why blind people go on a journey? How do they dream? Can they enjoy cinema? Steffi, the Voice Over of Apple, reads us one day of a blind person who rails not only against such questions. This day assembles collected stories of blind persons who answered my question: What annoys you about the world of seeing people?