One of our most exciting events to date and proud to be part of this year's Scalarama Film Festival
Thank you to all the filmmakers........
MY SISTERS DOLLHOUSE Jim Archer 2:27 mins
A filmmaker tries to discover himself by making a film... he
A parody, of sorts.
A parody, of sorts.
Parachute TV 1:40 mins&
rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty — a beauty cold
and austere, without the gorgeous trappings of painting or music."
—Bertrand Russell
Annabeata Baranska 2:24 min
The film is a critical commentary to 2007 parliamentary elections in Poland. The reality is presented as an overwhelming, embarrassing world which provokes uneasiness, the sense of absurdity, nonsense or even grotesque. At first, the main element of the film – a white and red candle – is burning with a strong and stable flame. However, once the political language (full of lies, aggression, mutual accusations and incomprehensible barking) appears, the flame becomes unstable and eventually fades away.
Primeiro de Novembro (1st of November), All
Saints’ Day 1755 was the date of the most deadliest earthquake in the world,
followed by a tsunami and a fire, completely destroyed Lisbon.Through a
cyclical story-telling, the mythological city of Ophiusa has reborn, where the
memories of the ancient earthquake and the omens of the future one are linked
through a stream of consciousness, past and future melt together in one
dimension: a timeless present.
A shorthand study of the mythology of numbers, from 1 to 12. Scientific
tradition is adopted then eschewed for rumours, legends and defunct theories
from across the ages. The camera pens a year-long almanac of space, movement
and the passing of time, recorded in-camera onto Super 8 using open exposure
photography, light painting, light table animation, paper animation, hand drawn
animation and more.
Bedside Manner focuses on real-life standardized
patient simulations to explore the performative aspect of doctor-patient
encounters and issues concerning empathy. Standardized patients (SPs) are
professional medical actors who are trained to present particular sets of
symptoms in order to help medical students improve their diagnostic skills and
bedside manner. Simulations delineate a space in which viewers and participants
are asked to suspend disbelief and rehearse for trauma. In addition to offering
viewers a rare glimpse into the practice of training doctors, the uncanny
medical simulations also reveal the tenuous boundary between the real and
A women is sitting in front of a camera telling
a story about an experience she had. Even though she is able to describe the
happenings quite detailed, the story also seems to be unlikely and implausible.
It turns out not to be hers rather then a story from a MUSTANG JEANS commercial
which she is retelling from the perspective of the main character. The work
MUSTANG JEANS draws an abstract image of a human that has internalized the
images and stories of the world of advertising.
An apocalyptic narrative
unfolds through the words of "The Sun," a British tabloid created by
media mogul Rupert Murdoch. 4000 single frames were exposed, unedited, and
accompanied with the pulsing rhythms of the sun collected by NASA, resembling
the Buddhist "Om," the sound of our universe. The Smyth Brothers were
commissioned to make this film by Ben Russell for Moogfest 2016 in Durham, NC
As a quest to identify a man whose notebook we
discovered in a bus station leads us through a city, we move from
cemeteries to Cypress swamps. The man’s name is Ignatius and with the words of
this self-proclaimed outsider as our agent we too can approach subjects from
elsewhere. The film was shot in New Orleans and grew out of an exploration
into the relationship between John Kennedy Toole and the main character of his novel, A Confederacy of Dunces; a
work that only gained acclaim after the authors suicide.
Programmed by Jayne Wilson
Special thanks to All at Scalarama Brighton, Richard
Gravett for Short Circuit, Rob Cunningham & Rachel Hunter at Filmspot, Liam McKeown at Grand Central, & Film Hub SE for their support.